Gone are the days when big brands and polished TV-commercials dictated what we would buy. Authenticity reigns today.

culture got the first taste
The biggest trends today stem from culture, but who exactly is culture? Well, it's everyone! Your niece, your neighbor, your mom’s friend, your friend’s mom, and yes, you. We all decide what to eat, where to go, what to wear, and we share it online for the world to see. We collect inspiration and inspire others with the beautiful things the algorithm has to offer. Because, let’s face it: TikTok or it didn’t happen, right?
Our goal? To introduce Magnum’s brand-new product, Magnum Bonbons, to Gen Z on social media. And what does Gen Z love more than cute little snacks? You guessed it: a TikTok taste test!

flipping the script
Let’s spread the word. Magnum launched their bonbons, and we gave culture the first taste. Instead of relying on big influencers to set the trend, we flipped the script, and turned to nano- and micro-creators to lead the way.
These nano- (between 1,000 to 10,000 followers, and micro-influencers (between 10,000 and 100,000 followers) are becoming more and more interesting in the world of influencer marketing. Their strength lies in their authenticity, as they engage deeply with their followers and are seen as friends rather than celebrities. These authentic taste tests formed the foundation of our campaign. Then the ball started rolling. Culture was inspired and began creating their own content, spreading the word even further.
Now that culture was talking, it was time for step two, in which we let our mid-tier creators (between 100,000 and 500,000 followers) amplify our reach even more.
And when the bonbon’s had reached every algorithm across the Netherlands, we were ready for our final step. As the cherry on the bonbon, we got approved by the queen of taste tests, Monica Geuze herself.
Up until now, influencer marketing has been obsessed with numbers that were easy to see. Followers and likes make influencer partnerships look successful on paper. However, with social media’s algorithms becoming more recommendation-driven, the number of followers no longer guarantees reach or, more importantly, relevance. Now the value of an influencer lies in the depth of their community, not the size of their audience.
If you want to read more about how nano-influencers are changing the game, read our article about it here!